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About Us

- Anita Johnston Gazzola, Author -

Anita moved to Cole Harbour in 1978 with her family. She spent her childhood exploring local fields, lakes, and trails. Anita achieved a BA in Sociology from St Mary's University and MEd from Mount St Vincent as a mature student. Her degree in Lifelong Learning reignited her love of books. Anita has had the privilege of having children in her company for most of her adult life, whether through working with Department of Community Services, IWK, or with neices, nephews, stepchildren and now grandchildren. These wonderful children have inspired her to write this series of nature related books. Anita is an avid gardener, dog lover, and spends all of her free time outside. Anita currently works and lives in Cole Harbour with her husband and their dog.

- Melissa JK Conrad, Illustrator -

Melissa's earlies memories take place in and around her childhood home in Cole Harbour. When she was seven years old she moved with her family to Chaswood, a small community in the Musquodoboit Valley. She was greatly influenced and intrigued by the fields, forest, and animals that surrounded her in that rural setting. After high school she acquired a BA from Saint Mary's University followed by a BEd from Mount Saint Vincent University. She now lives in East Preston with her husband, two children and three cats. She is currently a stay at home parent and is using some of her time (while her kids are at school) to rediscover her old passion for drawing and to teach herself how to paint. "As I Walk" is the second book she has illustrated.

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